
Online Receipt Redesign

Simplify & personalize
Increase My Verizon Account registrations
Increase self-service transactions
Increase customer satisfaction
Decrease call rates


  • Increase self-service transactions
  • Increase My Verizon account registrations
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Reduce call rates


Introduce a complete make-over of the confirmation and receipt layout that will serve as a universal design with the new VZW brand identity.

UX Approach

  • Provide the essential information pertaining to the purchased item
  • Utilitarian information that will further empower the consumer with information about the item
  • Link the user to Mobile Living containing a wealth of information where they can begin to familiarize with the product before it arrives
  • Create a strong knowledge base that will create the anticipation to the arrival of the product



  • Make it easy to shop, compare and buy products across desktop, tablet, mobile.
  • Create a digital shopping experience resulting in NSO, AAL, EUP & accessories sales.



  • Appeal to the emotional and social components of this holiday.
  • Position Verizon products and services as great gift items for loved ones.


  • Initial Ideas

    Initial Ideas

  • Initial Treatment Options

    Initial Treatment Options
